YSEALI Academic Fellowship, USA

The Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Academic Fellowship is an intensive short-term academic program whose purpose is to provide groups of young leaders with a deeper understanding of the United States and a particular theme, while simultaneously enhancing their leadership skills. The Fellowship will focus on one of three themes: Civic Engagement, Environmental Issues, and Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development. The five-week programs will consist of a balanced series of seminar discussions, readings, group presentations, and lectures. The coursework and classroom activities will be complemented by educational travel, site visits, leadership activities, and volunteer opportunities within the local community. During the academic residency, participants will also have opportunities to engage in educational and cultural activities outside of the classroom. If conditions allow, the Fellowship will include an educational study tour to other areas of the United States where they will meet with local, state, private, and nonprofit organizations working in the field. Note that if the program must take place virtually, Fellows will engage in similar activities but online from their home countries.

Virtual Program Contingency: Should health, safety, and travel conditions continue to pose significant challenges, the Academic Fellowship will pivot to a virtual format. The virtual program would consist of a minimum of 36 hours of required programming with a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning.  To the extent possible, the virtual programming would include lectures, small group discussions, videos, readings, panels, site visits, leadership development, assignments, and individual and group activities.  Participants would be expected to fully participate in the entire virtual program from their location.

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Beasiswa SDM Sawit – Kementerian Pertanian

Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan dengan dukungan pendanaan dari Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit (BPDPKS) telah membuka Seleksi Nasional Beasiswa Pendidikan Tinggi Vokasi (DI, DII, DIII dan DIV) dan Akademik (Strata 1) Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Tahun 2024. Program ini diharapkan dapat mencetak generasi muda perkebunan sawit yang dapat terus secara konsisten meningkatkan industri perkelapasawitan di Indonesia dan dunia.

Terdapat 5 jalur pendaftaran Beasiswa SDM Sawit Tahun 2024, yaitu:

  1. Pekebun & Keluarga (Anak / Istri / Suami) Pekebun Kelapa Sawit;
  2. Karyawan / Pekerja pada Usaha Budidaya dan / atau Pengolahan Hasil Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit;
  3. Keluarga (Anak / Istri / Suami) Karyawan / Pekerja pada Usaha Budidaya dan / atau Pengolahan Hasil Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit;
  4. Pengurus, Anggota Koperasi / Lembaga yang Bergerak di bidang usaha budidaya, pengolahan, dan / atau jasa perkebunan kelapa sawit;
  5. Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) / Pegawai Pemerintah dengan Perjanjian Kerja (PPPK).

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Beasiswa Adaro Foundation – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)

Beasiswa ditetapkan sebesar Rp800.000,- (Delapan ratus ribu rupiah) per bulan terhitung mulai bulan Agustus 2024 s/d Juli 2025 diberikan secara langsung tiap 3 (tiga) bulan / triwulan di muka dan akan dikirimkan melalui Perguruan Tinggi.


  1. Beasiswa Reguler Untuk Mahasiswa/i Tingkat Sarjana (S1)
  2. Beaiswa Vokasi untuk Mahasiswa/i Tingkat Diploma (D3/D4)
  3. Dari Fakultas Teknik, MIPA, Pertanian,Kehutanan dan Kedokteran

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Beasiswa Penerbit Erlangga – Universitas Bengkulu

Ketentuan calon penerima beasiswa sebagai berikut:

  • Program Strata 1 (S1) Reguler;
  • Berstatus mahasiswa aktif;
  • Memiliki Indeks Prestasi Komulatif (IPK) Minimal 3,50;
  • Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari Instansi / Lembaga / Badan / Yayasan lain;
  • Tidak bekerja dan tidak berada dalam status Ikatan Dinas dari lembaga / instansi / yayasan lain;
  • Mempunyai prestasi akademik / non akademik;
  • Penghasilan gabungan orang tua maksimal Rp 4.500.000,- per bulan;
  • Diutamakan dari Keluarga Kurang Mampu;
  • Telah menyelesaikan minimal 40 (empat puluh) SKS;

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Women and Diversity Undergraduate Scholarship – PT. Thiess Contractors Indonesia

Our scholarships support students through their studies and provide them with an opportunity to launch their career in mining. The scholarship program is aligned with university semesters and students can also join our internship program across our mining projects.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Female candidates including those with disabilities
  • Undergraduate students in their sixth semester studying:
    • Mining Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Geodesy & Geomatics Engineering
    • Geological Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • Environmental Engineering
    • Informatics Engineering
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Information System
    • Industrial Engineering
    • Computer Science
  • Min. GPA of 2.75
  • Proficient in English
  • Can complete an internship placement up to 8 weeks with Thiess before graduation
  • Able to demonstrate positive social contribution such as community volunteering and student organizations that align with Thiess values and principles

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Art Major Asian plus Scholarship, Korea National University of Arts

The AMA+(Art Major Asian plus Scholarship) Project is a global initiative undertaken by Korea National University of Arts with the goal of educating students for spreading Asian arts to the world as a global educational leader by promoting artistic elites development with the full scholarship grants. This project is an artist human resource development program, promoting development of genuine artists and enhancement of art education of developing countries in order to establish the center of cultural artists and a foundation of international art educational institution.

Korea National University of Arts

Scholarship Benefits

  1. Airfare: The grantees will receive an airplane ticket between their country and Korea economy class, for entrance and graduation
  2. Monthly Allowance: 800,000 KRW per month
  3. Korean Language Training: 6-month intensive language training before entrance
  4. Tuitions: Full coverage (regular semesters only)
  5. Settlement Allowance: 200,000 KRW for first entry to Korea
  6. Graduation Thesis Allowance: Upto 1,000,000 KRW
  7. Korean Proficiency Grants: 100,000 KRW per month for one year
  8. Medical Insurance: Korea’s National Health Insurance

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ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship, Singapore Management University, Singapore

As a coordinated and integrated entity, ASEAN is thriving and will continue to experience growth and prosperity.

At SMU (Singapore Management University), we will equip you with the necessary skills and perspectives – hard knowledge skills, soft people skills, ethics and social responsibility to capitalise on ASEAN’s blossoming opportunities. Your time at SMU will allow you to form firm friendships and budding networks with SMU students from 30 nations. Most of all, this scholarship will grant you the prestige and opportunities that will make you an invaluable asset in the global economy.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Full-time SMU first year undergraduate student
  • Citizens from ASEAN countries* (excluding Singapore citizens)
  • Outstanding academic results
  • Demonstrates leadership and communications skills
  • Good record of co-curricular activity and/or community service involvement
  • Good character record

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Fully Funded KNB Scholarship for International Students, Indonesia

Beasiswa Kemitraan Negara Berkembang, popularly known as KNB Scholarship, is a prestigious scholarship program offered by the government of Republic of Indonesia to selected applicants originating from developing countries. Managed by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, the scholarship has been disbursed since 2006 to 1,608 recipients from 97 countries.

The role of KNB Scholarship, has been central in supporting Indonesian higher education institutions in their endeavor for internationalization. The number of international students is indicative of global visibility of higher education institutions. In support of Indonesian universities’ internationalization and to accommodate the increasing interests from applicants all around the world, the number of scholarships being awarded every year has continued to grow.

The scholarship has also been continuing to expand its partnership with reputable public and private universities in the country. In doing so, the scholarship has been sustaining the quality improvement of Indonesian higher education institutions in order to meet the standards of internationally reputable universities.

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Beasiswa France Excellence D3 / S1, Prancis

Merupakan program lanjutan dari beasiswa parsial D3 / S1 yang telah diluncurkan pada tahun 2020 dan 2021. Pemerintah Prancis, melalui Institut Prancis di Indonesia (IFI)Kedutaan Besar Prancis di Indonesia, memberikan pendanaan bagi mahasiswa/i Indonesia unggulan yang akan memasuki tahun pertama pendidikan tinggi di Prancis (D3 maupun S1). Program beasiswa ini terbuka untuk semua jurusan.

Persyaratan Pendaftaran

  • berkebangsaan Indonesia
  • berusia maksimum 21 tahun
  • berijazah SMA sederajat
  • memiliki profil yang baik dan motivasi yang kuat untuk melanjutkan studi ke Prancis
  • sudah diterima, pada tahun ajaran 2024/2025, di institusi pendidikan tinggi Prancis, baik negeri ataupun swasta, yang berada dalam naungan Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi, Penelitian dan Inovasi (MESRI)
  • tidak sedang/akan menerima beasiswa apapun dari pihak lain

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Australia Awards Scholarships

Australia Awards Scholarships are long-term awards administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

They aim to contribute to the development needs of Australia’s partner countries in line with bilateral and regional agreements.

They provide opportunities for people from developing countries, particularly those countries located in the Indo-Pacific region, to undertake full time undergraduate or postgraduate study at participating Australian universities and Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutions.

The study and research opportunities provided by Australia Awards Scholarships develop the skills and knowledge of individuals to drive change and contribute to development in their own countries.

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