Beasiswa Hubungan Internasional UGM

saya fany dan ingin sekali masuk hubungan internasional UGM.tapi biayanya lumayan besar, saya ingin mencari beasiswa untuk jurusan ini.mohon informasinya, terima kasih.

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Beasiswa Terbaru Dalam & Luar Negeri

  1. Beasiswa FULL Sampai Lulus Bidang Astronomi di University of Cambridge INGGRIS
  2. Beasiswa KU Leuven BELGIA - FULL + Biaya Hidup Berbagai Bidang Studi
  3. Beasiswa King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) ARAB SAUDI FULL + Biaya Hidup & Akomodasi
  4. Beasiswa Chulabhorn Graduate Institute THAILAND - FULL + Biaya Hidup, Akomodasi, Tiket PP, dll
  5. Beasiswa University of New England AUSTRALIA - FULL + Biaya Hidup
  6. Beasiswa Chonnam National University KOREA SELATAN FULL + Biaya Hidup, Kursus Bahasa Korea, Akomodasi, Tiket PP
  7. Beasiswa Ajou University KOREA SELATAN FULL + Biaya Hidup, Kursus Bahasa Korea, Tiket, Akomodasi
  8. Beasiswa FULL + Biaya Hidup, Tiket PP & Kursus Bahasa di KOREA SELATAN
  9. Beasiswa FULL khusus untuk WANITA di Swansea University, INGGRIS
  10. Beasiswa University of Twente BELANDA S2 Berbagai Bidang Studi
  11. Beasiswa FULL + Biaya Hidup & Tiket PP ke NUS, NTU, SUTD & SMU di SINGAPURA
  12. Beasiswa University of Waikato SELANDIA BARU - Berbagai Bidang Studi + Biaya Hidup
  13. Beasiswa King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals ARAB SAUDI - FULL + Biaya Hidup
  14. Beasiswa S2 Faculty of Medicine di Imperial College London INGGRIS
  15. Beasiswa FULL + Biaya Hidup, Tiket PP, Asuransi Kesehatan, dsb dari Pemerintah AUSTRALIA
  16. Beasiswa FULL + Biaya Hidup, Tiket PP & Akomodasi untuk Sekolah SMP & SMA di SINGAPURA

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Daftar Info Beasiswa Terbaru Dalam & Luar Negeri

  1. Beasiswa Pertukaran Pelajar & Alumni ke AMERIKA SERIKAT
  2. Beasiswa Riset Tugas Akhir - Pusat Studi Muhammadiyah
  3. Beasiswa Pemerintah Provinsi Kepulauan Riau
  4. Beasiswa SDM Sawit - Kementerian Pertanian
  5. Beasiswa FULL + Biaya Hidup dari Pemerintah Jepang (MONBUKAGAKUSHO) untuk Program Research Student
  6. Beasiswa Adaro Foundation - Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
  7. Beasiswa Sampai Lulus di JEPANG dari Honjo International Scholarship Foundation
  8. Beasiswa Putra-Putri Transmigran Berprestasi - Universitas Gadjah Mada
  9. Beasiswa FULL + Biaya Hidup Sampai Lulus di KU Leuven BELGIA
  10. Beasiswa Khazar University AZERBAIJAN Khusus utk Wanita FULL + Akomodasi, Biaya Hidup & Tiket PP
  11. Beasiswa FULL di Swansea University INGGRIS khusus utk WANITA
  12. Beasiswa Master 2, Prancis
  13. Beasiswa Tematik, Prancis
  14. Beasiswa Kartini Sains, Prancis
  15. Beasiswa France Excellence S2, Prancis
  16. Beasiswa France Excellence D3 / S1, Prancis
  17. Beasiswa + Biaya Hidup di University of Waikato SELANDIA BARU
  18. Beasiswa Berbagai Bidang Studi di University of Twente, BELANDA
  19. Beasiswa FULL + Biaya Hidup, Tiket PP, dll dari Pemerintah AUSTRALIA
  20. Beasiswa S2 Faculty of Medicine di Imperial College London INGGRIS
  21. Beasiswa Bantuan Penelitian - Bank Indonesia Institute
  22. Beasiswa Mahasiswa Berprestasi Non Akademik - Provinsi Kalimantan Barat
  23. Beasiswa S1 Seni di LASALLE College of the Arts SINGAPURA
  24. Beasiswa Talenta Atlet, Seni dan Sains - Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY)
  25. Beasiswa Kader Unggulan Muhammadiyah (KAUM) - Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY)
  26. Beasiswa Dokter dan Dokter Gigi Muhammadiyah - Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY)
  27. Beasiswa S1 S2 Semua Bidang Studi di University of Waikato SELANDIA BARU
  28. Beasiswa FULL + Tiket & Akomodasi di University of Cambridge, INGGRIS
  29. Beasiswa S1 S2 Semua Bidang Studi di University of Sydney AUSTRALIA
  30. Beasiswa FULL + Biaya Hidup & Tiket Pesawat ke NUS, NTU, SUTD, SMU di SINGAPURA
  31. Beasiswa FULL + Biaya Hidup Berbagai Bidang Studi di University of New England AUSTRALIA
  32. Beasiswa SMP & SMA FULL di SINGAPURA + Biaya Hidup, Akomodasi & Tiket PP
  33. Beasiswa FULL Berbagai Bidang Studi di King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) ARAB SAUDI

55 thoughts on “Beasiswa Hubungan Internasional UGM”

  1. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatu I Febiola Jasika is currently still in the third grade of my high school in Banyan 1 High School, I want to go to college but I have no money I want to boast my mother and show everyone if I can be successful and not be underestimated again because I am from a poor family I always underestimated me and my mother
    when my bad family was slandered by my own friends to be hated by my neighbors, I started working at the age of 9 years, I want to boast about my parents, thank God, there have been many experiences that I took from some Olympic activities such as history, geography, earth, and Alhamdulillah, I got a political hopeful champion of hope two, I am grateful because I can give money to my mother from my own business, I sell farfum and olshop so much work experience that I can start from knowing how to do business, I feel a fall when I always get the disaster of losing money is underestimated but I am proud because I get money from my own sweat, I only live with my mother because my brother is wandering and life is difficult there they don’t want to go home because they are always despised and never considered always in one eye so they don’t want to go home, my father died when I was 6sd class because of iron knuckles at sea, I’m thankful because I still can go to high school even though sometimes it’s not sangu and always late for tuition fees but my mother and I always try so that I don’t drop out of school because my mother wants to prove to all who underestimate my family if I I can go to school and be a successful person, I always pray so I can get a scholarship in the department of international relations aminnnn allahummah aminnn I hope I can get an scholarship majoring hi, I am proud of my mother even though she is alone but she is always tough even though my mother’s legs are swollen and hard the way, he worked so farmer in the sun he said do not mind the important mother you go to school and become a successful person and when the mother’s payday money savings and debt with batak (moneylenders) and blooming my mother was forced to borrow money so she could be make selling capital as a benefit for me to school. I hope I can get a scholarship, I beg for your help, thank you.


  3. Saya berkeinginan besar buat masuk fakultah HI di UGM
    Tapi lewat beasiswa,,,,,,
    Mohon informasinya,,,,,

  4. Anak sy sekrang duduk di bangku sma 1 cirebon klas 2 ips 3, mempunyai cita2 yg sngat tinggi ingin masuk Fak H I di UGM, bs ga ?

  5. tolong share info beasiswa HI di UGM ke nomer ini : 085742674649
    cepet please, emergency mode :D

  6. saya mau mengambil s2 HI di UGM tapi saya kesulitan untuk mengakses informasi yang pasti tentang UGM mengenai biaya perkuliahan persemester. salam

  7. saya punya keinginan besar untuk bisa masuk UGM terutma dgn fakultas HI
    tpi saya ingin mask lewat beasiswa.gmna caranya?

  8. aku anak XII ,aku tertarik dan pengen banget masuk HI’ jalur beasiswa,,, i want to be ours country better than yesterday,,,,
    #i hope you all can help me to inform and pray me,,, thanks all

    #fight indonesian,,, i wiil always love you,,,


  9. cita-cita yang aku harapkan sejak kecil,,, bisa menjadi seorang dubes’ smga tercapai mohon info dan bantuannnya,,,

  10. aku anak klas XII, aku pengen banget kuliah di HI’ n dapet beasiswa,, gmana caranya ya?… aku harap cita2 ini bsa terkabul,, mohon do’a dan bantuan serta infonya,,, thanks

  11. klo ugm sih kurang tau tpi klo mau lewat test undangan kan bisa.
    Tpi klo unpad sih un tuk thun ini ada beasiswa x terutama jurusan hi

    hehe aq sih bru class x smk. tpi apa smk gk boleh masuk jurusan hi ya apa hi cuman buat sma aja?

  12. saya Ellyvon, saya ingin sekali jadi salah seorang mahasiswa di UGM terutama dalam Fakultas HI. tapi, nampaknya akan tersandung maslah biaya, jadi saya mau tahu niech bagaimana caranya dapat beasiswa dlm HI UGM.
    tolong beri tahu ya bagaimana caranya ?
    sebelum & sesudahnya,,, Terima Kasih…..!!!!

  13. tertarik bnget sma HI ,, pgn bnget msuk HI ,, tp jalur PMBK klo bsa ,,
    gmn ya cranya ,,??>>dan persyaratannya juga ?
    kasih tau infonya yah ,, klo tahu..

    makasih bnyak..:)

  14. Aku juga pingin masuk HI. Bagaimana caranya masuk jurusan ini dengan jalur beasiswa?
    Terimakasih atas perhatiannya…

  15. Aku pingin masuk HI. kemampuan apa yang harus benar-benar dimiliki untuk masuk HI ? berapa biaya nya ? dan ada gak beasiswa HI ? tell me please..

  16. saya berlit pengen masukHI UGM tapi kok kelihatanya mahal ,..? saya mau dong beasiswa untuk masuk HI di UGM

  17. gimana yah cara dapetin beasiswa dan pmdk di hi ? syarat masuknya apa apa aja ? kemampuan apa aja yg harus dimiliki untuk masuk hi? biaya kuliahnya brapa? bales plis :) jangan kacangin yah :D

  18. saya pengen masuk hi.syaratnya apa apa aja ? kemampuan apa aja yg harus dimiliki untuk masuk hi ? biaya nya brapa dan gimana cara dapetin beasiswanya ? makasii :D

    1. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatu I Febiola Jasika is currently still in the third grade of my high school in Banyan 1 High School, I want to go to college but I have no money I want to boast my mother and show everyone if I can be successful and not be underestimated again because I am from a poor family I always underestimated me and my mother
      when my bad family was slandered by my own friends to be hated by my neighbors, I started working at the age of 9 years, I want to boast about my parents, thank God, there have been many experiences that I took from some Olympic activities such as history, geography, earth, and Alhamdulillah, I got a political hopeful champion of hope two, I am grateful because I can give money to my mother from my own business, I sell farfum and olshop so much work experience that I can start from knowing how to do business, I feel a fall when I always get the disaster of losing money is underestimated but I am proud because I get money from my own sweat, I only live with my mother because my brother is wandering and life is difficult there they don’t want to go home because they are always despised and never considered always in one eye so they don’t want to go home, my father died when I was 6sd class because of iron knuckles at sea, I’m thankful because I still can go to high school even though sometimes it’s not sangu and always late for tuition fees but my mother and I always try so that I don’t drop out of school because my mother wants to prove to all who underestimate my family if I I can go to school and be a successful person, I always pray so I can get a scholarship in the department of international relations aminnnn allahummah aminnn I hope I can get an scholarship majoring hi, I am proud of my mother even though she is alone but she is always tough even though my mother’s legs are swollen and hard the way, he worked so farmer in the sun he said do not mind the important mother you go to school and become a successful person and when the mother’s payday money savings and debt with batak (moneylenders) and blooming my mother was forced to borrow money so she could be make selling capital as a benefit for me to school. I hope I can get a scholarship, I beg for your help, thank you.

  19. sepertinya jurusan Ilmu HI berpeluang bagus.. tapi biaya utk masuk di fakultas ini ckup besar..
    Mohon informasi beasiswa pendidikan utk calon mahasiswa HI UGM..
    Trima kasih…

  20. sudah lama saya bermimpi bisa lanjut S2 HI di UGM…tapi terkendala biaya. saya selalu cari info beasiswa. tolong informasikan beasiswa S2 HI UGM ya…trims

  21. saya punya keinginan besar untuk bisa masuk UGM terutma tertarik dgn fakultas HI
    tpi saya ingin mask lewat beasiswa.gmna caranya?

  22. Pengen masuk fakultas HI di ugm,namun ndak tau caranya,dan biaya masuknya kira-kira berapa?

  23. saya alumni mahasiswi Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak, mau tau gimana sih cara mendapatkan beasiswa S2 di UGM…..?udah lama lho sy kepengen kuliah di UGM….mohon infonya…..thanks…

  24. Utk kak dudit.
    Salam kenal. Saya dr bengkulu pengen banget masuk UGM terutama HI. Bisa share? Mumpung saya masih kelas 2 SMA, jadi bisa dipersiapkan lebih dini. Terima kasih
    mohon bantuannya

  25. saya pngin banget masuk hi ugm, kalo ga lulus snmptn tulis ad jalur lain ngga?? seperti jalutr mandiri gitu

  26. Saya Gokma, dari Pekanbaru
    Saya menunggu pengumuman kelulusan UN. Ingin melanjutkan study ke bidang ilmu hukum. Saya mohon bantuan informasinya mengenai beasiswa ilmu hukum yang ada di indonesia.
    Atas bantuannya saya ucapkan terimakasih.

  27. my name name is apner songa….. i from north moluccas….. i would like to going in international relation……. but i don’t hve money for pay my school because i’m apoor person…. help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. halo fany, saya dudit mahasiswa HI UGM.
    yang kamu maksud di sini beasiswa yang seperti apa ya? untuk beasiswa yang bayar sampai SPMA (uang masuk) itu sangat jarang, kecuali untuk beasiswa bidik misi dan beberapa penawaran beasiswa lain yang ga saya temukan, tapi mungkin juga bisa minta sponsorship dari instansi-instansi. beasiswa selama di dalam HI UGM itu banyak kesempatannya.
    seperti beasiswa PPA dan BBM di
    hope this helps :)

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