Beasiswa SMA, Sekolah Victory Plus, Bekasi

Sekolah Victory Plus (SVP) is a national school which provides an International education to about 800 students from dozen of nationalities and native Indonesian. The school is fully authorized by Cambridge International Examination (CIE), offering Advanced/Advanced Subsidiary (A/AS Level) qualification for students at Grade 11 and 12, International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB-MYP) for students at grade 7 to 10 and IB-Primary Years Programme (IB-PYP) for Early Childhood Education up to Grade 6.

The curriculum at SVP is designed to provide a framework of learning that encourages students to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers. It emphasizes intellectual challenge, encouraging students to make connections between their studies in traditional subjects and the real world. It fosters the development of skills for communication, intercultural understanding and global engagement – essential qualities for young people who are becoming global leaders.

The scholarship is offered to Middle Years School students who reside in Bekasi area and will graduate in the academic year 2016/2017 to study at SVP Senior High School (Grade 10 to 12). The committee will prioritize the candidate from economical disadvantaged family background. He/she must have shown outstanding academic and non-academic achievements in their previous education. This program is part of school’s Corporate Social Responsibilities to give opportunities for prospective students experiencing a world-class education whom under special circumstance require a financial assistance in order to do so.

Scholarship Benefit
A successful candidate will enjoy

  1. 100% deduction on submission/development fee
  2. Up to 100% deduction on school annual fee (the percentage is decided by committee considering the candidate’s financial condition)
  3. IB-DP Examination or National Examinations fee
  4. Extra-curricular activities
  5. Text books and notebook (on library and school loan)
  6. Leadership Camp
  7. School uniform
  8. Graduation Fee

The scholarship scheme is exclusive to:

  1. Daily expenses (meal, transportation, stationery, et cetera)
  2. Overseas excursion (optional activities)
  3. Extra curricular accessories (uniform, trips, related material etc)

The applicants must:

  1. be of Indonesian citizen
  2. be at the age of 13 to 15 years old on 1st July 2016
  3. be graduated from Middle school in the academic year 2015/2016 and reside in Bekasi area
  4. have report scores of minimum 7.5 (out of 10) for Mathematics, English, Bahasa Indonesia, Sciences and Social Sciences in Middle School.
  5. pass the SVP entrance test.
  6. be willing to study at SVP for a 3 consecutive years until High School graduation

Document Requirement

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. Copy of Middle School Report
  3. Application Form
  4. Letter of Reference
  5. Other Supporting Certificate (Competition, Awards etc)

Application Process

  1. Application: January – March, 2016
  2. Paper Selection: April, 2016
  3. Selection Test (Written and Interview):Mid April 2016
  4. Home Visit: 4th week of April 2016
  5. Announcement and Scholarship Contract Offering: May, 2016
  6. Contract Signing: May, 2016

Mailing Address
The Application Form and the supporting document can be sent via Post or direct delivery to:

SVP High School Scholarship 2016 Committee
Sekolah Victory Plus
Jalan Kemang Pratama Raya, Blok AN, No 2/3
Kemang Pratama – Bekasi

Additional Information
The scholarship recipient decision by the committee is final and there shall no correspondence be entertained.

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Beasiswa Penuh Universitas Islam 45, UNISMA BEKASI, D3 & S1, Indonesia
UNISMA BEKASI mengajak seluruh putra/putri Indonesia untuk mengikuti BEASISWA PENUH UNIVERSITAS ISLAM “45” (UNISMA) BEKASI (100% bebas biaya kuliah) Tahun Akademik 2010/2011 untuk tingkat D3 dan S1 dengan ketentuan: Siswa Kelas 12 SMA/SMK/MA yang akan mengikuti Ujian Nasional (UN) 2010. Tidak pernah tinggal kelas. Nilai rata-rata raport minimal 7,00 untuk setiap semester. Nilai raport

Beasiswa SMP, SMA & Mahasiswa dari Polygon, Indonesia
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Beasiswa Penuh SMP SMA – Sekolah Cendekia BAZNAS
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Beasiswa Penuh SMP – Sekolah Cendekia BAZNAS
Sekolah Cendekia BAZNAS (SCB) merupakan sekolah unggulan berasrama dan bebas biaya di bawah pengelolaan Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS). Kami memanggil putra-putri terbaik dari seluruh Indonesia untuk bergabung sebagai penerima beasiswa penuh tingkat SMP Sekolah Cendekia BAZNAS (SCB) Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024. Persyaratan Umum: Beragama Islam Berasal dari keluarga dhuafa / tidak mampu

Beasiswa SMA, Sampoerna Academy, Putera Sampoerna Foundation, Indonesia
Beasiswa Program Sampoerna Academy Pendidikan Bertaraf Internasional Berasrama Pendaftaran Siswa Baru 2012/2013 Bantuan Pendidikan yang diberikan mencakup : Biaya pendidikan Biaya tempat tinggal dan makan di asrama Buku pelajaran Tunjangan kesehatan Seragam Biaya operasional sekolah Persyaratan Dasar (berlaku untuk semua Sampoerna Academy) : Warga Negara Indonesia, saat ini kelas 3 SMP (atau setara) Memiliki nilai akademik rata-rata minimum 7,5 untuk SA Bali

Beasiswa Persiapan Sekolah Kedinasan – BAZNAS
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Beasiswa Anak Teladan Indonesia – Yayasan Solidaritas Bina Insan Kamil
Beasiswa Anak Teladan Indonesia (BATI) 2022 adalah program beasiswa yang diselenggarakan oleh Yayasan Solidaritas Bina Insan Kamil (YASBIL), demi mewujudkan cita-cita generasi terbaik lulusan SMP/MTs di Indonesia yang berkeinginan melanjutkan studi berkualitas, menguasai ilmu pengetahuan, beriman dan bertakwa, serta menjunjung tinggi semangat toleransi. Beasiswa Anak Teladan Indonesia (BATI) 2022 ini menyelenggarakan

Beasiswa EL05 untuk Siswa – Siswi SMA & Sederajat
Beasiswa EL05 adalah sebuah program Beasiswa yang diselenggarakan oleh Teknik Elektro ITB angkatan 2005. Mengingat banyaknya siswa siswi SMA (atau sederajat) yang tidak mampu menyelesaikan studinya dibangku SMA dikarenakan keadaan finansial yang kurang baik, sehingga timbul inisiatif dari Alumni Teknik Elektro ITB angkatan 2005 untuk turut serta menyelesaikan permasalahan ini. Oleh karena

Beasiswa Korporat Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia
I. Syarat Calon Penerima Beasiswa Korporat 1. Tamatan SMA / Aliyah atau sederajat, tahun ajaran 2010 atau 2011 2. Mempunyai nilai rata-rata raport kelas I, II, dan III minimal 80,00 untuk jurusan : IPA : Mata pelajaran Matematika, Fisika, Kimia, Biologi dan Bahasa Inggris IPS : Mata pelajaran Matematika dan Bahsa Inggris II. Syarat Pengajuan

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.

