Master Scholarships in Terrorism and International Security Studies, Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia has recently established a new Master Degree Programme in Terrorism and Security Studies which will be managed by the Department of International Relations in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Universitas Indonesia aims to play a role in anti-terrorism efforts, at least in two ways. First it will contribute to the development of governmental counter-terrorism policy. This requires strategies to hinder terrorist activity as well as efforts to protect civil rights and social stability. Our rationale is to support and inform the state in its mission to counter terrorism and prevent the derogation of civil rights and liberties whilst also maintaining good governance, security and social services for the people. Secondly it will help create an unbiased and academically sound body of terrorism studies free from the agenda of ruling governments, political parties, agencies and private entities.

Terrorism is only part of a bigger vision of problemmatic issues confronting Indonesians, and other citizens of the world, which are associated with global uncertainty. These issues include financial instability, climate change, pandemics and a range of networked threats organized and run by various illegitimate actors. Globalization has facilitated increased volumes of trade and wealth, as will also be generated from ASEAN`s Free Trade Agreement with China. However we need to be mindful that this wealth will be unevenly distributed. Globalization has also generated an underclass of malcontents and this offers opportunities for new criminal activity and political violence on a considerable scale. This is not limited to organized crime but also parallel effects of money laundering, corruption, weapons proliferation and the emergence of kleptocratic regimes.

Indonesia’s security sector, the parliament, the executive body and security agencies can no longer ignore transnational security issues. While the rush against terrorism dies down as succcessful police killings and captures pile up, we can ask ourselves whether intelligence and security agencies have sufficient capacity to address other transnational issues such illegal trafficking of drugs, women and children and infiltration of illegitimate actors into our borders.

In regard to this background the new Terrorism and Security Studies
Programme will address the following key issues:

  • What is terrorism and what drives it?
  • Who are the `terrorists` and how do they operate?
  • Which political methods can best help us explain and understand terrorism and state responses to terrorism?
  • How do national security systems engage with the terrorist threat?
  • How does the interaction between the international Islamist movement and the nature of the state in Indonesia contribute to the emergence of Islamist terrorism in the country?
  • Why has political Islam gained popularity in Indonesia and why has it gained significant power in government decision-making. How does this compare with other political movements that have also applied violence in their campaigns?
  • What are the dynamics between the Islamist movement in the Middle East and South Asia and the growth of the movement in Southeast Asia, especially Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia?
  • How have the processes of globalization impacted upon terrorism.
  • How can we understand the relationship between democracy, authoritarianism and terrorism?
  • How is the threat of terrorism perceived by state or non-state groups? How does this translate into counter-terror policy?
  • How have Indonesia and other S-E Asian countries interacted with Western military and economic support in recent history?

17 bursaries for a full fee waiver are available for the 2010 intake of students. These bursaries will be available on a competitive basis. Grantees of a fee waiver will be short-listed from the results of the selection test held by Universitas Indonesia.

Interested individuals must apply for the entrance test (Seleksi Masuk Universitas Indonesia/ SIMAK UI) before 23 March 2010. Applicants can visit or email aliwibisono[at] for further information, including information for international applicants.

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  3. Fully Funded Scholarships, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
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  10. Master Scholarships, University of Twente, Netherlands
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Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.

