Seoul National University (SNU) Student Exchange Program – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)

Established in 1946 as the first national university in Korea, Seoul National University (SNU) is one of the prestigious institutions of higher education in Korea. It has fostered leaders in every sector of Korean society, thereby making a significant contribution to the remarkable socio-economic transformation of Korea. As a truly comprehensive and integrated university, SNU has 16 colleges, 1 graduate school, and 9 professional graduate schools. Striving to be more than just one of the best universities in South Korea, SNU aims to grow into one of the top 20 institutions in the world by 2025 and is making every effort to achieve the goal.

Seoul National University

We are delighted to inform you that the Application of SNU Student Exchange Program for Fall 2021 is now open for Universitas Gadjah Mada students.


  • 3rd to 6th-semester undergraduate students (S1)
  • 3rd to 4th-semester graduate students (S2/S3)
  • Enrolled in Universitas Gadjah Mada during the program

Required Documents

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Motivation Letter
  3. Letter of Enrollment from Faculty
  4. Letter of Nomination from Faculty (addressed to the Head of Office of International Affairs UGM)
  5. Confirmation Letter of Participation (download)
  6. Official Academic Transcript
  7. Statement of Purpose
  8. Study Plan
  9. Colored Copy of Passport
  10. Letter of Recommendation from Academic Advisor (optional, mandatory for Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) applicants)
  11. English language proficiency (Min. Score of TOEFL iBT 88 or IELTS 6.0)
  12. Korean language proficiency (KLPT, TOPIC, Level 5 *if any)
  13. Nomination Sheet (download here)

Application Procedure

  1. Submit the aforementioned documents to UGM International Exposure Application Form:, UGM for internal review no later than March, 1st 2021.
  2. OIA UGM will evaluate your application.
  3. Once you are selected as Nominated Student, OIA will send your official nomination to Seoul National University and you may proceed to the online application for host-university selection.
  4. The FINAL decision from Seoul National University.

For more information:


  • In case the faculty could not provide the letter of enrollment and nomination during this period, the official nomination through email from the faculty is acceptable. The official nomination could be delivered to (cc to
  • Application of outgoing mobility for the fall semester in AY 2021/2022 will be processed but the implementation/execution will carefully consider the latest development of COVID-19 and government’s regulation.
  • Letter of Recommendation must be sent in a sealed envelope to OIA UGM Bulaksumur no. F13, Yogyakarta or if there is a difficulty in post mail services, alternatively Referees must send their recommendation letter by email directly to the Head, Office of International Affairs at with the subject title [Recommendation Letter] SNU Exchange Program Fall 2021 for (name of student)
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  1. Fully Funded Scholarships in Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK
  2. Full Funded VLIR-ICP Master Scholarships, KU Leuven, Belgium
  3. Fully Funded Scholarships, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
  4. Fully Funded Master Scholarships, Chulabhorn Graduate Institute, Thailand
  5. Fully Funded Scholarships, University of New England, Australia
  6. Fully Funded Scholarships, Chonnam National University, South Korea
  7. Fully Funded Scholarships, Ajou University, South Korea
  8. Fully Funded Graduate Scholarships for International Students, South Korea
  9. Full Tuition Fee Scholarships for Female Students from Developing Countries, Swansea University, UK
  10. Master Scholarships, University of Twente, Netherlands
  11. Fully Funded Scholarships in Singapore
  12. Tuition + Living Allowance Scholarships, University of Waikato, New Zealand
  13. Fully Funded Scholarships, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
  14. Master Scholarships, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, UK
  15. Fully Funded Australia Awards Scholarships
  16. Fully Funded GCE A Level Scholarships for Indonesian Students, Singapore

Beasiswa Bank KEB Hana – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
KEB Hana yang berlokasi di Seoul Korea bermaksud memberikan beasiswa kepada mahasiswa Universitas Gadjah Mada. Adapun tujuan pemberian beasiswa ini adalah untuk membantu pengembangan mahasiswa tidak mampu. Pada kesempatan ini PT. Bank KEB Hana Indonesia, sebagai subsidiary bermaksud menyalurkan beasiswa tersebut sejumlah 10 orang yang mempunyai konsentrasi Program Studi Informasi

Beasiswa PT. Samsung Electronics Indonesia – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
Diberitahukan bagi mahasiswa fakultas teknik dan mahasiswa fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada, bahwa PT. Samsung Electronics Indonesia memberikan beasiswa dengan syarat sbb: Mahasiswa angkatan 2011-2012 IPK Minimal 3,00 Mengisi formulir pendaftaran Melampirkan transkrip nilai Diprioritaskan bagi mahasiswa yang mempunyai kendala secara finansial. Berkas permohonan disampaikan ke Subdit Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa paling lambat 23 September 2013.

Beasiswa Yayasan Asahi Glass Indonesia – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
Yayasan Asahi Glass Indonesia melalui Direktorat Kemahasiswaan Universitas Gadjah Mada akan memberikan beasiswa kepada  mahasiswa Universitas Gadjah Mada dengan syarat-syarat berikut : Surat Keterangan Penghasilan / Slip Gaji Orang Tua Transkrip Nilai Kartu Keluarga Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa KTM Formulir permohonan pengajuan Beasiswa Formulir beasiswa YAGI (unduh di sini) Mahasiswa dapat melakukan

Sciences Po Student Exchange Program – Universitas Gadjah Mada
Sciences Po offers a one semester undergraduate exchange for UGM students start in January 2013. This program is available only for students who have been enrolling since 2010 or above. The requirements for this program are the following: Latest transcript in English with minimum GPA 3.25. Copy of TOEFL certificate with minimum score

Beasiswa Aino Indonesia – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
Pada tahun akademik 2018/2019 ini PT Aino Indonesia akan memberikan beasiswa kepada 10 mahasiswa Universitas Gadjah Mada dari Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis, Teknik dan Sekolah Vokasi dengan nominal beasiswa Rp11.000.000,- (sebelas juta rupiah/tahun/mahasiswa) adapun persyaratan calon penerima dapat diunduh disini. Untuk yang berminat segera mendaftar secara daring melalui paling lambat

Temasek Foundation Leadership Enrichment and Regional Networking, National University of Singapore
The Temasek Foundation (TF) provides scholarship for qualified undergraduate students of UGM to attend the Temasek Foundation Leadership Enrichment and Regional Networking (TF LEaRN) Programme at National University of Singapore. The programme aims at grooming the next generation of Asian leaders by providing opportunities for cultural exchange, networking, community engagement,

Beasiswa Keluarga Alumni Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAGAMA)
MANFAAT BEASISWA Bantuan uang saku senilai Rp3.000.000 / tahun selama TA. 2023/2024 KRITERIA PELAMAR BEASISWA Mahasiswa Aktif S1/D4 UGM Telah menempuh 2 Semester IPK minimal 2.75 Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain SYARAT BERKAS Surat Rekomendasi dari WD Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Surat Keterangan Penghasilan Orang Tua dan Kartu Keluarga Mencantumkan akun sosial media yang

Beasiswa Asrama – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
Diumumkan kepada mahasiswa baru S1/SV angkatan 2017, telah dibuka pendaftaran beasiswa asrama selama 1 (satu) tahun untuk 489 mahasiswa mulai 1 Agustus 2017 dengan persyaratan: Mahasiswa angkatan 2017 Mahasiswa kategori miskin Belum mendapat beasiswa (mahasiswa yang mendapat bantuan Bidikmisi diperbolehkan mendaftar) Berasal dari luar kota Yogyakarta. Pendaftaran di bagian akademik dan

Beasiswa Student Exchange, Universitas Gadjah Mada & Kokushikan University, Jepang
Universitas Kokushikan bekerja sama dengan Universitas Gadjah Mada membuka program pertukaran pelajar selama satu tahun akademik untuk mahasiswa S1, S2, S3 jurusan hukum, sosial, politik, teknik, matematika, ilmu budaya, ekonomi dan bisnis. Kelas yang ditawarkan menggunakan bahasa Jepang. Beasiswa yang ditawarkan adalah beasiswa partial yaitu biaya kuliah. Persyaratan: Mahasiswa S1, S2, S3 UGM

Beasiswa BUMN Peduli – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
Kami informasikan bahwa PT. Angkasa Pura II menawarkan kembali program Beasiswa BUMN Peduli tahun akademik 2013/2014 kepada mahasiswa Universitas Gadjah Mada dengan persyaratan sbb : Mahasiswa S-1 angkatan tahun 2010 s.d. 2013 Berasal dari kaluarga berpenghasilan menengah ke bawah Mengisi form beasiswa dengan melampirkan : Transkrip nilai (IPK minimal 2,50), untuk mahasiswa baru melampirkan

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.

19 thoughts on “Seoul National University (SNU) Student Exchange Program – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)”

  1. Assalamualaikum … hi I Hipni, now I 3rd grade high school in SMA Integrated Riyyadlul ‘Ulum Wadda’wah Condong Tasikmalaya. I’ve always wanted to college at UGM. I am very interested. please help me. if there is any information send to my e-mail or my fb to Hip-Hip Hop Hipni or direct to my twitter @ Zhuko2 @hiphiphophipni or on my blog . thank you. Wassalam.

  2. why the university is always UGM? could you announced more detail for exchange student? what are the requirements and the ways to get it?

  3. PHONE: +251920260972 I am looking scholarship because I want to develope my knowledge in postgraduate by organic chemistry or biochemistry,or Industrial chemistry as your university choice give for I

  4. Name: Lina Nuranisa Fauziah
    address: Garut, West Java, Indonesia School:. SMAN 15 GARUT
    Phone. : 083 827 683 895
    E-mail :
    I am looking for a scholarship, because I do not want to disturb my parents, especially my first child four children so I do not want parents mebebani, I wanted to majored Doctors Cancer Specialist / analyst Nutrition / Midwifery please help if there is already his info and I am also new go to grade 12 high school and I also entered in majoring in science. I asked for help for 2015 high school graduates

  5. i want to take this scholarship but why just for UGM
    can you tell me about this how to apply ?

  6. But there is no scholarship available from SNU, you will have to pay for the dormitory (~500.000 won) and daily living

  7. um..if there’s info about something like this again,please tell me earlier,coz I need to prepare it more in long time maybe,especially for the passport… Onegaishimasu. Apakah yang menurut saya ini, benar?

  8. Hai..
    Mau nanya, apakah ada beasiswa yg menyediakan program S2 dengan mentransfer nilai mata kuliah yang sudah diambil disini (UGM)? Terimakasih :)

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