Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Fellowship (OCIS), UK

The Chevening Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS) Fellowships are aimed at mid-career academics or professionals who are dedicated to the promotion of academic activities which encourage a more informed understanding of the culture and civilisation of Islam and contemporary Muslim societies.

Fellows will undertake a 6-month period of self-directed research focusing on their own project on the culture and civilisation of Islam and contemporary Muslim societies in a global context.

Fellows will benefit from meeting a multi-disciplinary group of scholars focusing on the Islamic world and have the opportunity to develop contacts with relevant individuals, discuss issues relating to the Islamic world, including Islamic history, classical Islamic sciences, economics and Islamic finance, and the study of Muslims in the West. Fellows will contribute to the Centre’s objective to encourage and promote sustained dialogue and collaboration within the global academic community of the culture and civilisation of Islam and contemporary Muslim societies.

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Shari’ah Scholarship Award, International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance, Malaysia

The International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA) invites qualified students with excellent academic achievements and active in co-curricular activities to apply for the Shari’ah Scholarship Award (SA) to pursue their higher education at either local or overseas universities. The Shari’ah Scholarship Award is part of the Fund for Shari’ah Scholars in Islamic Finance, which was established to enhance knowledge, research, talents, and intellectual discourse in the field of Shari’ah in Islamic Finance. The Fund represents Bank Negara Malaysia’s commitment to strengthen the development of the Islamic financial industry.

Petronas Twin Towers Kuala Lumpur Malaysia


  • Postgraduate (Master or Doctorate) and Undergraduate studies at recognized institutions of higher learning in the field of Shari’ah or Islamic finance studies equivalent;
  • CIFP, only for those possessing Shari’ah degree or its equivalent, or currently attached to the Shari’ah department/unit of any Islamic finance institutions;


  • Applicant shall have appropriate Shari’ah background as indicated above;
  • The scholarship is open to citizens of all countries;
  • Applicants have to secured admission at a recognised institution of higher learning;
  • Applicants are required to pursue either a bachelor, CIFP , master or doctorate programme, as defined above, in a fulltime mode;
  • Applicants are required to obtain a CGPA of at least 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale) or 4.5 (on a 5.0 scale) or 80% (on a 100 point scale);
  • Current students enrolled in the programmes specified above may also apply for the scholarship;
  • Applicants should not be in receipt of any other scholarship award or financial assistance.

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Imam Bukhari & Imam Tirmizi Visiting Research Fellowships, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, UK

University of Oxford, UKApplications for the academic year 2014-2015 are invited for the Imam Bukhari and Imam Tirmizi Visiting Research Fellowships. Applicants should be citizens of countries in Asia or Africa. Preference will be given to those studying classical Islamic sciences, although other areas in the humanities and social sciences will be considered. These Fellowships each carry a stipend of £3,000 and membership of the Common Room. The stipend is intended as a supplementary award and may be held in conjunction with other research grants, stipends, or sabbatical salaries.

The Fellowships will be tenable from 1 October 2014 for a minimum period of three months. These Fellowships are intended to encourage interaction among academics from various traditions of learning. The Imam Bukhari and Imam Tirmizi Research Fellows will be expected to devote their time to research and writing and to participate in the Centre’s academic activities.

Application Procedure
Applications should include a curriculum vitae and a brief statement of proposed research. Two letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the Centre.

Application forms are available for download (click here) or can be obtained from:

The Academic Office,
Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies,
George Street, Oxford,
OX1 2AR, UK.
Tel: 00 44 1865 278730; Fax: 00 44 1865 248942;
email: fellowships@oxcis.ac.uk

The closing date for applications is Friday 6th December 2013.

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Beasiswa Mahasiswa Unggulan Pondok Pesantren – Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII)

Universitas Islam IndonesiaUntuk menjadi mahasiswa unggulan pondok pesantren calon harus lulus salah satu pola seleksi, baik melalui pola seleksi CBT, PBT maupun PSB dan lulus tes khusus yang diselenggarakan oleh Pondok Pesantren UII. Penjaringan calon mahasiswa Unggulan Pondok Pesantren ini memberikan beasiswa yang dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) tipe yaitu Beasiswa Penuh (Tipe A) dan Beasiswa Sebagian (Tipe B). Program Mahasiswa Unggulan Pondok Pesantren dikhususkan hanya bagi program studi jenjang Strata Satu (S1) semua fakultas kecuali Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter hanya dibolehkan untuk Tipe B.

Beasiswa Ponpes Penuh (Tipe A)
Jalur ini dibuka untuk mahasiswa (laki-laki dan perempuan) dengan mendapatkan beasiswa penuh berupa:

  • Pembebasan biaya studi yang meliputi: SPP selama masa studi, sumbangan Catur Dharma, Biaya Lembaga Kemahasiswaan, Biaya Praktikum, Biaya KKN dan Biaya Wisuda,
  • Pembebasan biaya pondokan dan fasilitasnya. Peserta yang diterima wajib mengikuti pendidikan dan melaksanakan/mengikuti kegiatan yang ditetapkan oleh Pondok Pesantren UII.

Syarat Khusus Penerima Beasiswa Penuh (Tipe A)

  • Dapat Berbahasa Arab dan Inggris secara aktif (memiliki TOEFL/TOEFL®ITP Score minimal 450) yang dibuktikan melalui tes lisan dan tertulis serta menyerahkan TOEFL/TOEFL®ITP Score minimal 450.
  • Nilai rata-rata rapor minimal 8,5 (delapan koma lima) dan Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN) minimal 7 (tujuh) yang dibuktikan dengan fotokopi rapor kelas XII dan Fotokopi Nilai UAN, masing-masing telah dilegalisasi.

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Beasiswa FULL S1 Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) – STAI Al Hidayah Bogor

Program Beasiswa S1 FULL Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) Berasrama
Sekolah tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Al Hidayah Bogor, Kembali Membuka Program Beasiswa Unggulan Untuk Siswa Berprestasi dari Seluruh Indonesia Untuk Periode 2013 – 2014.


  • Metodologi yang diterapkan berasas pada metodologi ilmiah dan sumber-sumber yang murni, yaitu Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah-sunnah Rasululloh Shollollohu alaihi wasallam
  • Mahasiswa mendapatkan fasilitas Asrama, KBM dan tarbiyah Islamiyah secara gratis
  • Dosen lulusan dalam dan luar negeri yang telah berpengalaman dalam dunia pendidikan
  • Aktivitas tarbawiyah yang variatif: Seminar pendidikan, Daurah & Training, Kajian Tafsir, Olah Raga, Out Bond, dll
  • Bahasa Arab menjadi bahasa sehari-hari dilingkungan kampus
  • Kegiatan ekstra kampus, seperti kegiatan jurnalistik (Radio, Rumah Produksi Seni Islami, Majalah Islami, dll)
  • Akses Internet


  • Ruang kuliah yang nyaman
  • Buku-buku penunjang KBM.
  • Perpustakaan yang menyediakan buku-buku ilmiyah bermanhaj Ahlussunnah Wal Jama’ah dan buku-buku pengetahuan umum yang menunjang kesuksesan program, serta dilengkapi dengan CD-CD berisi ceramah-ceramah ilmiyah dari para da’i dalam dan luar negeri
  • Laboratorium Bahasa dan Komputer.
  • Asrama Mahasiswa dengan kapasitas 500 orang dengan fasilitas yang lengkap.
  • Masjid besar di lingkungan kampus.
  • Sport Centre, berupa lapangan indoor dan outdoor.
  • Lingkungan kampus yang representatif.

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Beasiswa Baitul Mal Aceh

Baitul Mal Aceh menyediakan beasiswa penuh untuk tingkat SLTP dan SLTA yang bersumber dari dana zakat senif Ibnu Sabil dengan jumlah orang yang dibutuhkan sebagai berikut :


Adapun kriteria dan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi sebagai berikut :


Kriteria penerima beasiswa :

  1. Berasal dari keluarga miskin
  2. Berdomisili di Banda Aceh dan Aceh Besar
  3. Lulusan SD/Sederajat Tahun 2013
  4. Mampu mebaca Al-Quran dengan baik dan benar
  5. Bersedia melanjutkan pendidikan di Pesantren/Dayah yang ditetapkan Baitul Mal Aceh
  6. Bersedia mengikuti semua mekanisme dan aturan yang ditetapkan Baitul Mal Aceh
  7. Lulus verifikasi dari Tim Baitul Mal Aceh

Persyaratan yang harus dilengkapi :

  1. Surat Keterangan Keluarga Miskin yang dikeluarkan Geuchik
  2. Foto copy Kartu Keluarga
  3. Foto copy KTP Orang Tua/Wali
  4. Foto copy NISN
  5. Foto copy Kartu Ujian Nasional
  6. Pas foto ukuran 3×4 sebanyak 1 lembar
  7. Mengisi formulir yang telah disediakan (formulir dapat diunduh disini )

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Yousef Jameel Scholarship in History of Islamic Art, University of Oxford, UK

The Yousef Jameel Scholarship is generously funded by Sheikh Yousef Abdul Latif Jameel. This fully funded research scholarship is available to one graduate student demonstrating exceptional academic merit and/or potential, commencing a course of study in the history of Islamic art at the University’s Faculty of Oriental Studies.

Am I eligible?
The scholarship will be awarded on academic merit and is open to applicants from any country who are applying to a graduate course of study in the history of Islamic art at the University’s Faculty of Oriental Studies.

Applicants should be intending to conduct research in any subject of Islamic art that the University’s current staff are able to supervise at doctoral level; and/or whose research projects make use of the University’s holdings in Islamic art (including, but without limitation, those in the Ashmoleon Museum, the Bodleian Library, the Museum of the History of Science and the Pitt-Rivers Museum). Preference will be given to DPhil students but funding may be available to candidates who are required to take the MPhil or MSt in Islamic Art and Archaeology before commencing their doctoral training.

Candidates should be applying to start a new graduate course at Oxford. This scholarship is open to candidates studying for degree-bearing courses, with the exception of Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma courses.

Please ensure you meet the requirements for entry to your course, including English language requirements. See the Course Guide for more information.

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Beasiswa United Islamic Cultural Center of Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia

Dengan ini kami sampaikan penawaran Beasiswa Pembinaan untuk mahasiswa Program Sarjana Reguler dari Yayasan Turki UICCI (United Islamic Cultural Center of Indonesia). Berikut ini adalah syarat – syarat yang harus dipenuhi:

  1. mahasiswa S1 Reguler semester 1
  2. diperuntukan untuk mahasiswa laki-laki;
  3. beragama Islam
  4. memiliki keinginan untuk belajar agama Islam
  5. tidak merokok dengan melampirkan surat pernyataan di atas materai Rp. 6.000,-;
  6. melampirkan CV dan Foto 3×4
  7. mengisi formulir (terlampir).

Adapun bentuk beasiswa yang akan diberikan kepada mahasiswa adalah berupa:

  • fasilitas asrama
  • makan 3 kali sehari
  • pendidikan Bahasa Turki dan Arab
  • pendidikan Agama Islam
  • kesempatan melanjutkan pendidikan S2 diluar negeri

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PhD Scholarships, International Centre for Muslim and Non-Muslim Understanding, University of South Australia

UniSA’s International Centre for Muslim and Non-Muslim Understanding encourages scholarship that contributes to the development of Critical Muslim Studies as a distinct approach combining insights from post-orientalism, post-colonialism and post-structuralism. Muslim Studies is aimed at re-framing the Muslim question that haunts the contemporary world.

PhD scholarships are available for students wishing to undertake research within the field of Critical Muslim studies, working with a diverse and dynamic team of international and interdisciplinary scholars.

The scholarships are valued at AU$30,000 tax free per annum (plus relocation costs for successful applicants residing outside of Australia up to a value of AU$5,000.

Research information
Applicants working broadly within the humanities and social sciences can apply. However, applicants’ research topics should reflect the Centre’s core interest in developing Critical Muslim Studies.

Applicants will have at least an undergraduate degree in an associated discipline with an outstanding academic record.

The Centre strongly encourages applications from individuals of minority groups.

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Partial Postgraduate Scholarships, Al-Maktoum Institute, UK

The Al-Maktoum Institute seeks to promote its innovative and unique postgraduate programmes in the study of Islam and Muslims. The Institute is offering Partial Scholarships for eligible international and home/EU students registering on the taught/research programmes at the Al-Maktoum Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies. Current students in the taught programme at the Al-Maktoum Institute may be eligible to apply for the Partial Scholarships, if they wish to continue their study to PhD level.

Partial Scholarship Criteria

  • For the application to be considered, the applicant must have received an unconditional offer of acceptance from the University of Aberdeen to study at the Al-Maktoum Institute.
  • Applicants must demonstrate that they are able to pay the remainder of their own study fees and living expenses.
  • This partial scholarship will be offered for those students beginning on their programme in September or February each year, and will last for the duration of their programme of study.
  • Applicants for the taught programmes must be applying to study on full time basis and are residents in Dundee during the period of their study.
  • Up to £4000 per year against fees will be awarded to all eligible full time international candidates and up to £1500 per year against fees will be awarded to all eligible full time home/EU candidates for each year of the programme.

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